Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Syrian Uprising

Hello world!!!

Hope your country prosperous, safe and calm so you can do your activities without feeling anxious, different with this country “Syria”. Until this time, after I finish my writing, maybe Syrian still in horrible sketch. Yes, this country attract whole world’s attention as widespread of disruption in some cities like Damascus, Hama, Daraa, Qamishi, Homs, Allepo, and others.  Thousand people died in this bloody crackdown and many other injured.

Actually, why does this ongoing upheaval hit this country?

Syrian uprising becomes the part of Arab Spring in last 2010, most of citizen fed up with exacerbated political and economical condition.  They want topple the Bashar al Assad dictatorship regime, and ending the corrupt and ravage constitutional system.  The main baground behind this chaos are:
a.  Authoritarian system.
In 1971, Hafez al Assad (Alawite sect), the former of Defense Minister, obtained the prestigious seat in Syrian government as president. He pursued the inheriting precede dictatorship regime. His initiate policy was popular among his citizen but then erased by political repression. The most unforgettable moment was “Hama Massacre”. In 2000, after he died, the authority ceded to his son Bashar al Assad, the now Syria's strongest man. Like father, like son, Bashar doing the same mistakes like his father did, the Homs shelling remind us the pain memory of Hama massacre.
b.      Absence of effective constitution.
c.        Government corruption.
d.      High unemployment.
e.       Triggered by the other Arab countries.

What are the purposes of Syrian revolution?

a.      Ending Bashar Al Assad regime.
For more than decade, Bashar al Assad rules this country continuing 30 years his father leadership. The parliament altered the constitution, reducing the mandatory minimum age of president from 40 to 34, so Bashar Al Assad could acquire the throne for this disguise republican country.
b.      Democratic reform
Democratic offer more access for political freedom, something that is expensive in Syria, admitting the human right, and wider participation for citizen.
c.        Regime change.
New laws had been introduced by Assad regime, but political system is still stagnant. The superiority of Baath Party hampers the other minority party's role. In the economic sector Assad revealed reform on more market oriented controlled by the state. The growing rate of unemployment and poverty raise the civilian eagerness to hasten overthrowing the regime.
d.      Expanse civil right
Although this regime is not as harsh as previous but, civil right still remain big issue. Wider admission is needed in the vacuum presence of civilian in decision making and many other fields.
e.       Recognition of Kurdish right
Kurd is the largest Non Arab ethnic minority. In Syria, this ethnic becomes one of the targets of systemic discrimination for example arbitrary denial of estimated 300.000 citizenship Syrian who wasborn as Kurdish, banning of teaching Kurdish in school, etc.
f.        Abolition of Supreme State Security Court
g.       Lifting of emergency law
Emergency rule was applied in 1963. “Syria's government approved lifting the country's nearly 50-year-old state of emergency Tuesday to meet a key demand of anti-government protesters, but opposition leaders dismissed it as an attempt by President Bashar Assad to claim reforms but maintain his hard-line rule” this is the information from CBS News.
Syrian uprising colored by variety form of upheaval like hunger strike, mutiny, insurgent, hactivism, civil resistance, demonstration, general strike, insurgency, sectarian violence, mutiny, sit in. The initiate moment signed by Self-immolation (setting oneself on fire) done by Hasan Ali Akleh from Al-Hasakah same way with Mohamed Bouazizi in Tunisia.

In early February 2012, UN proposed Security Council vetoed by Russia and doubled by China’s veto. Both of this country makes US and other Western Countries anger. Last year Russia abstains in UN Libya’s draft and there was no veto so NATO could enter in Benghazi, and join war in Bani Walid, Khadafy’s stronghold. Learning from Libya, China and Russia prefer diplomacy way because the presence of the external military was not so effective as the are still a lot of number civilian victims.

Officials’ senior from Russia, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Mikhail Fradkov went to Damascus discussing about dialogue with the opposition and offering referendum on new constitution.  The result of discussion that Russian called productive remains controversial because the violence in Homs and other cities by Syrian military still continued.

In 26 Feb Syria will hold constitution referendum. The step supported by China, Russia, and Iran, but conversely, considered as “window dressing” by western newsletter.

The recent story that I get is the dead of two journalists in Syria shelling on Homs they are British Marie Colvin and French Remi Ochlik.

All over the world send condolence for all Syrian war victims and families. Hope that Syrian revolution will be success and get better life condition.

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